
Phone: +44 (0) 1932 562 276

Compass IT Consulting

Compass IT Consulting was established in 2016. We have expanded our services and offerings since inception with a skilled and experienced team of individuals providing our services.

We tailor our engagements to the specific needs of the organisation. We provide clear and robust solutions and artefacts that enable organisations to operate securely and effectively, enabling them to focus on their business priority. 

Compass IT Consulting employs consultants with experience across all sectors. We can provide consultancy support, advice and guidance, typically as defined and agreed deliverables. We can also lead and implement programmes either for a specific project or across an entire programme or portfolio.

Digital Workplace Services

We can work with your organisation to assess the current state and challenges faced by the organisation, and provide a strategy to address challenges and align to business and wider IT strategy.

Cyber Security Services

Our service offers organisations the chance to engage professionals who understand the importance of balancing the requirements of the business with then need to reduce risk to the organisation. 
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